Frank Warren/KB4CYC Home Page

Your comments concerning the contents of the page are welcome.


The Day Job

I'm currently doing IT related gig work.

The Web Warren

I also operate a small Web / Internet / IT consultancy as an additional business line in conjunction with my girlfriend, Brenda Bell, that we call The Web Warren.

Another Business Line

Another business line of mine is as a LegalShieldSM Independent Associate.

Political Activism

I am active with the Libertarian Party especially at State (NJLP) level.

I served as a member of NJLP's slate of Presidential Electors in 2004, 2008, 2012 & 2016.

At the local level, I served three terms on the North Plainfield Environmental Commission and a term as an Alternate on the Board of Adjustment.

HAM Radio

I've been licensed in the Amateur Radio Service (HAM Radio) as KB4CYC since November 1982 (General class since April 2000). I'm currently active on VHF & UHF both FM voice and packet. I belong to the Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society [RATS].

I've worked communications for the New York City Marathon at Mile 20 in the South Bronx for a number of years. Since 2000 I've been the Communications Mile Captain. Here are some pictures from 2001 and 2002.

For more information on Amateur Radio link to the Amateur Radio Page that Andy KB7UV has put together.

I also write software for Amateur Radio.

ACGNJ Genealogy SIG

I chaired the Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey [ACGNJ] Special Interest Group [SIG] on Genealogy, when last active, and still maintain its WEB Pages.

Authored Programs

I've written several programs for the Amateur Radio environment over the years. The programs in current distribution are:


RMAILER provides support for the RMAIL remote list expansion protocol in the packet radio BBS environment along with a rather full featured list server and message rerouter (the rerouter is currently only supported by ROSErver/PRMBS) for any DOS/Windows based BBS able to do message import/export in the "MBL" format. It also runs as a server with the F6FBB BBS system.

The current release, 2.20, is available here as RMAIL220.ZIP.

Station Traffic System [STS]

STS is a utility package under MS-DOS, Windows and UNIX for Amateur Radio Traffic (formal messages often to non-HAMs) handling.

The current PC release, 3.9A, is available here as STSPC39A.ZIP.

Star Trek Fandom

I'm also active in Star Trek fandom as a member of the USS Avenger a chapter in Region 7 of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association.

My PGP Public Keys

My PGP Public Keys, both DH/DSS and RSA are available here.

DH/DSS Key [ID: 0X635E3B05] Fingerprint (2048/1024 bit):
6618 5D69 12C0 862E BD48  264B E0A8 8296 635E 3B05
RSA Key [ID: 0XE553A1B7] Fingerprint (2048 bit):
1094 D1FA BB10 A415  BA04 8A91 7A6C 5F1D

your key id :

My 512 and 1024 bit RSA keys from 1997 have been REVOKED.

Been There, Done That -- The List

I'm keeping a list of various editions of "Been there, done that ..." Please feel free to send any you may have along.

Profile Fun

Web profile quizes can be fun. I've compiled some of my profile results. - Stats for frankly

Frank Warren/KB4CYC Home Page. April 21, 2024.
Comments & Suggestions

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